Hoyts has a minimum age of 15 (16 in South Africa). You can start working full-time as early as age 17. If you wish to leave school after Grade 10, you can apply for an exemption. You must stay in school until the end of Grade 10 and reach the age of 15. After that, you can decide to continue your studies or work full-time. Do you have a question about work? For free and confidential legal advice, you can ask us a question here or contact us on 1800 953 673 (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday). There is no minimum age to work in South Australia. But keep in mind that your age may prevent you from working certain hours. You can work full-time if you are 17 or 16 and your full-time job is an apprenticeship or internship that is part of an accredited apprenticeship program. Many people think that 14 and nine months is the minimum working age in Australia, but this is not the case. This age is probably a hangover, while 14 and nine months were the minimum age for a child to drop out of school. In most states, there is actually no minimum working age, although there are restrictions if children are under 15.

There are no minimum age restrictions in New South Wales, but you can contact the following organisations for other age restrictions. There is no minimum age to start working in the Northern Territory, but the type of work you can do and your hours may be limited if it interferes with your education. There is no minimum age for casual or part-time employment in Tasmania as long as it does not interfere with school attendance. To learn more, click here. You are not allowed to leave school until you are 17. However, once you`ve completed Grade 10, you no longer need to go to the school`s campus – you can work at least 25 hours a week. So, is the minimum age 14 years and 9 months? Well, no. This widespread belief dates back to a time in the past when this was the age for parts of Australia, but the 14 years and 9 months rule is no more. When can young people start working? The answer is that it depends. It depends on where you live and work, the type of work they do, and how often they will work. Usually, you must stay in school until the end of Grade 12, obtain a Certificate III or reach the age of 18. However, if you have completed Grade 10, you can apply for an exemption if you work at least 35 hours per week full-time.

You can start working at any age, but your employer must follow certain rules depending on your age. You can only work full-time if you have completed Grade 10, have reached the age of 17, or have permission from the Ministry of Education. The minimum age to start working varies depending on the state or territory where you live. Take a look at the information we`ve collected below. • Children under the age of 15 must have the written permission of their legal guardian. 11 years is the minimum age for delivery of newspapers and brochures in Victoria. 13 is the minimum age for most other forms of employment (excluding employment in the entertainment sector). There are restrictions on working hours and days until the age of 15. There is no minimum age to work in family businesses.

To learn more, click here. In the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory, there is no minimum age, although workers under the age of 15 are limited in the type of work they can do. Do you think the minimum age in your state is fair? There is no minimum age to work in South Australia as long as the job does not interfere with school attendance and take place at inappropriate times (such as late at night or early in the morning). Visit this website for more details. The minimum working age in Western Australia depends on the work you do. Children of all ages can work in a family business, entertainment or charity. Between 10:00 and 12:00, you can work in a paper delivery note, but only if you are supervised. If you are 13 or 14 years old, you can take all of the above steps and also work in retail. You can work full-time when you turn 17 or when you turn 12. End of the year, whichever comes first.

If you wish to leave school and work after Grade 10, you or your parents must seek approval from the CAB Ministry of Education and Training Executive Director. The minimum age to work in Queensland is 13 (for work other than entertainment). But you can be as young as 11 years old for supervised paper delivery work. […] What we learned was that the minimum working age was not 14 and three-quarters as we thought. There is actually no minimum age in most […] • There is no minimum age to work in a family business or in the entertainment industry. If you plan to work at a time other than school holidays, you should check with the New South Wales Department of Education for restrictions that may apply to a student`s age and education. You can be contacted at 1300 679 332 or visit their website. There is no minimum age for part-time or casual employment in Tasmania.

However, you may be limited in the type of work you can do and your hours. McDonald`s is at least 14 years old, with written permission from the teen`s legal guardian. There are additional rules for working hours if you go door-to-door, modeling, theatrical performances, or entertainment work. Click here for more information. […] are many benefits of working for young people. Your child has reached the minimum working age (which is lower than you might think – check here), and they desperately want a job. […] Although there is no minimum age for admission to employment for casual and part-time employment in the Northern Territory, there are restrictions on working in licensed premises and on safe working hours. See here. When your teen is ready for a job (or perhaps when you`re ready for a job), there are a few factors to consider.

The first, of course, is whether your child is legally allowed to work in Australia, the minimum working age in Australia varies from state to state, so we`ll focus on that here. The minimum age for admission to employment in the Sunshine State is 13. This number will be reduced to 11 if the child undergoes supervised deliveries in which newspapers, advertising material or similar items are delivered between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Young people between the ages of 11 and 13 can only participate in delivery jobs (e.g. delivery of leaflets/newspapers). There are rules on how many hours school-age children are allowed to work on certain days, during school weeks and during school holidays. School-age children are prohibited from working between 10pm and 6am – see the government`s QLD website for more information.

There is no minimum age in New South Wales, but employment must not interfere with a student`s education, and employers must be reasonable with regard to listing, planning and safety. More information is available here. In Australia, there is no minimum age to work in all states and territories. The minimum age for admission to employment depends on the country or territory where the employee works. There is no minimum age limit to work in New South Wales. However, if you are under the age of 15, there may be some restrictions on the type of work you can do and the number of hours you can work. • Children can deliver newspapers and promotional brochures from the age of 11, but they cannot do delivery work between 6pm and 6am until the age of 13. The Fair Work Ombudsman regulates employment issues. The Ombudsman`s office can be contacted directly on 13 13 94 or visit its website. • You cannot work more than 10 hours per week if you are under 15 years of age.

In Tasmania, you are not allowed to work during school hours. With the strictest rules in the country, young people in most roles in Western Australia cannot be employed until the age of 15 (except in a family business, entertainment or charity). Supervised newspaper delivery can be done by children aged 10, 11 and 12 at certain times, and 13+ year olds can work in cafes and fast food restaurants with certain restrictions. To learn more, click here. In New South Wales, you are not allowed to work during school hours. You cannot work more than one shift per day and for more than 5 days in a row. You cannot work more than 4 hours in total on a school day. You cannot work after 21:00 if you have school the next day.

They are not allowed to work and go to school for more than 50 hours a week. • Children between the ages of 10 and 12 may deliver newspapers, brochures or promotional materials if they are fully supervised by a parent or other adult who has a written power of attorney from the parent. 50+ jobs for young people that will benefit them for life| Mumlyfe In the Northern Territory, young people cannot work between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. You can`t work during the hours you should be in school. If you want to learn more about the beginning of labor, there are many handy resources you can try. You can find them all on the Fair Work Ombudsman website here: www.fairwork.gov.au/find-help-for/young-workers-and-students/what-age-can-i-start-work Just because a teen reaches the “right age” for a job doesn`t mean they`re ready. Starting work too early, when it is not necessary to earn money to motivate a child, can be a disaster. Here we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of employment for young people. Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast rule that applies to all working children in Australia, and the decision and legislation are governed by each state and territory.

We`ll outline some of the key points below (which are correct at the time of writing this blog in May 2021), but it`s important to check the information listed by your state or territory government before offering a job to a minor or accepting employment as a minor. You can even call us or make a free appointment with us to make sure everything is at sea. Kmart and Coles generally follow the government`s plan for the recommended age, though this varies from store to store. Other important factors include whether your teen is emotionally ready to take on a job; whether they have time to engage with an employer; and whether they have the maturity to make the most of the opportunity.