When it comes to breakfast or afternoon tea, only a 10″ to 12″ cloth towel is used. When you`re invited to lunch, the towel size is usually about 14″ to 16″ inches. Other guests do not have to look at your possibly soiled towel in your absence. Again, the correct method is to place the napkin on the seat of your chair until you return, so that the waiter knows not to take your plate or bowl. Your towel should stay on your lap while you eat. If you have to leave the table temporarily, put your napkin on your chair and slide your chair under the table – this signals to the waiters that you will return to the table. When you return to your seat, put the towel back on your lap. At the end of the meal, place the napkin loosely to the left of the plate. Don`t do it again – this signals to service staff that you`ve finished your meal. Cloth towels are available in different sizes, each size is suitable for a specific use. A drink towel used to serve drinks and appetizers, like most cloth napkins, is square, about five inches on each side. A towel is a few centimeters larger and a towel even larger. The theory is obvious that the more food and drink you serve, the greater the risk of spills, so the bigger the towel has to be to catch it.

Whether you`re attending a fancy dinner or dining at a 5-star restaurant, it`s essential to follow these basic rules of napkin etiquette. Whether in a formal or casual dining experience, you should always use cloth napkins. However, some situations, such as casual dining or dining with friends, only offer paper napkins. If so, just use the same basic towel label, even with paper towels. There are some basic guidelines when it comes to choosing the right towel for your venue. When rolling the towels, it is helpful to use napkin rings to help the towels get the rolled shape. • Use the towel to dab the lips, not to wipe the mouth. Always unfold your napkin under the table to draw less attention to your hands. You want people to focus on the conversation instead of watching you shake your towel.

What are common missteps? Blow your nose into your napkin, use it as a bib, throw it on the plate when you`re done. If you`re in the moment, it can be hard to remember every detail of the table label. It`s easy to forget something or make a mistake. Avoiding these common mistakes will help you master napkin etiquette like a pro. Etiquette Scholar teaches that the size of your towel determines how you unfold it and place it on your lap: larger towels are unfolded halfway, while smaller towels are fully extended to cover your knees. Your goal is to open the towel in one gentle motion, without shaking or floating unnecessarily. For larger napkins, the crease should face your body, Eyring advises in a Reuters article, and the fabric should remain on your lap throughout the meal. If the towel is small, unfold it completely and cover the knees completely. If the towel is large, open it half or partially so that it does not reach your knees. However, the trend began to develop in the 1840s, when napkin rings were considered great gifts for weddings and baptisms.

Then, with the invention of the manually operated rotary washing machine in 1858 and the electric washing machine in 1908, in the mid-20th century, the role of napkin rings began to change. In American bourgeois societies, the tradition of the napkin ring evolved into a decorative piece for casual and formal meals. In a formal dining room, leave the napkin carefully on your lap, even after you finish your meal, until your host or hostess places your napkin on the table in the final position. In the Renaissance era, the Frenchman had a single, large common napkin the size of a tablecloth that everyone at the table used. It could have been the precursor of the slick. It got smaller and smaller over the years until everyone had their own towel. By the 1700s, the French aristocracy had even adopted towel etiquette rules, some of which we still use today in the Western world; For example, we don`t blow our nose in our towel. Or someone else`s towel. It is possible that cavemen wiped the fat from their mouths on their woolly mammoth grids using the animal`s fur. Then rubbed it into her hair to get that soft, smooth look. But we don`t really know. What we do know is that in the Bronze Age, it was probably something like a napkin used in many parts of the world.

The first recorded use of the towel was by the Romans. When the hearty eater, Buffetus Allucaneatus, grabbed his napkin from the Roman dining table, he found no cloth. What he used was uncooked dough that he squeezed into his face. This removed everything that stuck to the food. Later, if he wanted, he could cook and eat his napkin, his bites and everything else. You now know that once the meal is over, it is okay to place the napkin to the left of your plate. However, if you leave the table briefly, for example to go to the bathroom, you can leave your napkin on your chair. • Do not dab lipstick on a cloth towel or use it as a tissue. What do you do with it once you`re done eating? Do you put it on your plate, next to the plate or on the back of your chair? These are typical questions that many people have about the proper use of a towel. According to Forbes, your napkin shouldn`t return to the table until you`re ready to go. If you need to get up to answer a call or use the toilet, put your towel on your seat and slide the chair onto the table. This lets the servers know you`ll be coming back.

When you`re done with your meal, leave your napkin unfolded to the left of your plate to indicate you`re done. If you are used to talking with your hands, you can use the towel to illustrate your point. However, it can be distracting for others at the table. When telling a story, avoid using your towel as a prop. However, there are exceptions to the rule. If there is no specific host or hostess, such as a casual dinner or business lunch, you can put your towel on your lap immediately after sitting down. In buffet style, wait until you have your food, then you can start placing your towel on your lap before you start eating. While you may see this in movies and TV shows, putting your towel in your shirt is not an appropriate etiquette. Your napkin has its place on your lap. If you eat messy foods, ask for a bib.

If not, just try to eat your meal very carefully so you don`t have food on your clothes. • Place your napkin on the seat of your chair when you leave the table during a meal. Whether you`re dining at a fancy restaurant or at a friend`s house, try to be polite and tidy when eating and using your napkin as needed. Be as discreet as possible when placing your napkin on your lap at the beginning of the meal, then return to the table at the end. The key to proper use of towels is to avoid putting them at the center of people`s attention. Never shake or open your towel. If you have a large napkin that is often served in formal restaurants, carefully open the towel halfway. Are there differences in how men and women use or should use napkins? And who are the worst perpetrators? Men are usually the worst offenders because they tend to cover only one leg rather than two.

Some men have learned that this is appropriate. This is not the case. If possible, don`t go while eating. Wait until the meal is finished. However, if for any reason you have to leave your seat, apologize verbally and politely. Then place your towel on the seat of your chair. This signals to the waiter that you haven`t finished your meal yet and that you plan to return to your seat to finish eating. Do not put your towel in your collar or between the buttons of your shirt or in your belt. Although it is not polite to put the towel in the collar, it may be allowed on certain informal occasions such as a seafood restaurant. The other exception to this rule concerns persons with reduced mobility such as children and the elderly.